
Plenary Meetings

Plenary Meetings, taking place every year in September, comprise of
– working meetings of the subgroups,
– mutual information of members by reports from member-countries,
– reports of subgroup chairmen,
– presentations of technical papers,
– technical visits to industrial companies and/or research laboratories of Universities
– with additional cultural visits if appropriate.

Overview of past Plenary Meetings >

Subgroup Meetings

Subgroup Meetings, taking place two to four times per year, are organized by each subgroup chairman.

Overview over the present subgroups >


As an international body, ICFG took and takes an active part in the preparation and organization of national and international conferences, e.g. the International Conferences on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) 1984 in Tokyo, 1987 in Stuttgart, 1990 in Kyoto, 1993 in Beijing, 1996 in Columbus/Ohio, 1999 in Erlangen, 2002 in Yokohama, 2005 in Verona and 2008 in Gyeongju.

List of future conferences sponsored by ICFG >


The major part of activity concentrates on subgroup work with the aim of preparing and presenting information to the public, e.g. data sheets and guidelines. Besides being published as ICFG documents, the results are also disseminated to the public by publications in ICFG’s official organ, the magazine WIRE.