29th ICFG Plenary Meeting in Györ, Hungary
September 9-11, 1996
The ICFG held its 29th Plenary Meeting from September 9 to 11, 1996, in Györ, Hungary. The meeting was attended by 44 members and guests from Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and USA. Two new full members from Finland and Korea as well as three new corresponding members from Germany, Hungary and Japan were elected. According to this, the present status of membership is: member countries 20, full members 48, corresponding members 6, emeritus members 7. Since 1996, the chairman of the ICFG has been Prof. Manfred Geiger from Germany, the technical secretary is Prof. Laszlo Cser from Hungary.
The delegates reported on national activities during the last year. The following subgroup activities were reported: The Cold Forging Tribology subgroup, chaired by Prof. Niels Bay, Denmark, has successfully finished its work by publishing its second document “Lubrication Aspects in Cold Forging of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys” in WIRE 1/96. A new subgroup on Cold Forging of Aluminium Alloys was launched and had its first meeting in Györ, the elected chairman is Prof. Niels Bay. The subgroup on Materials and Defects, chaired by Dr. Vesa Ollilainen, Finland, has submitted its document “Defects in Cold Forging” for review. It is expected to be published in WIRE in 1997. The subgroup on Tool Life and Tool Quality defined the outline of a document on Tool Life in Cold Forging and is in the phase of composing the contents. The subgroup on Warm Forging, chaired by Prof. Taylor Dean, UK, has continued with defining its working area.
At the technical sessions seven full and six short presentations were presented on the following subjects: formability of hypereutectoidal Aluminium alloys, lubricants for cold forging of Aluminium, friction in double cup extrusion, reliability of cold forging tools, fatigue of PVD and CVD coated tool steel, environmental and educational issues, process anyalysis of combined cold extrusion of non-axisymmetric shapes, inverse methods and optimisation techniques, 3D process simulation by Eulerian method, precision forging with axially driven container, heat transfer coefficient in die billet zone, closed die forging.
In connection with the Plenary Meeting, a technical visit to the company RABA, Györ, was arranged.