44th Plenary Meeting in Soenderborg, Denmark
September 11-14, 2011
The 44th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) was held from September 11 to 14, 2011 in Soenderborg (Denmark), hosted by Prof. Bay from the Institute for Product Development of the Technical University of Denmark. The Plenary Meeting was attended by 69 participants from 16 countries. 27 attendees were from academia and 42 were from industry. The meeting was chaired by Prof. A.E. Tekkaya (University of Dortmund, Germany), the chairman of the ICFG.
The ICFG delegates welcomed Jürgen Schoppe (Germany), Victor Vazquez (Mexiko), Prof. Laurent Dubar (France), Dr. Thomas Herlan (Germany) and Weibing Shi (P. R. China) as new corresponding members. The membership status of Prof. R. Geiger (Germany) and Dr. P Standring (UK) was changed to honorary and emeritus respectively. The membership of Dr. M. Nastran, Dr. G. Krallics and Dr. R. Hop was quitted. The ICFG now consists of 91 personal members from 25 countries over the whole world. Within the ICFG Advisory Board Dr. Hänsel succeeded Prof. Tekkaya as new chairman. Prof. Tekkaya became vice-chairman.
Subgroup activities and publications
The ICFG has three active subgroups. The subgroup “Process simulation” had sessions in the morning parallel to sessions of the subgroup “Tool Life & Tool Quality”. In the session of the subgroup “Process simulation” the chairmen reported about the successful workshop in Padua. 45 participants from all over the world attended the workshop. The main issue of the workshop was adequate material characterization for numerical simulations. The next workshop will be held in 2012 just before the Plenary Meeting in Nagoya. The subgroup “Tool Life & Tool Quality” is preparing a document dealing with surface finishing of tools. The third subgroup “Cold forging 2050”, which was founded in Shanghai in 2009, had three parallel sessions in the afternoon. The ICFG chairmen Prof. Tekkaya and Dr. Hänsel led the sessions with the title “How should we structure the ICFG in future?” and “How should we work on these topics?” respectively. Mr. Schrader led the session of the Young Wild Forgers. The results of each session were presented in a joined session. In addition, Prof. R. Geiger gave a presentation about “Electro-mobility … a forging challenge” in the joined session. Prof. Nakamura and Dr. Herlan were announced as new chairmen of the SG “ICFG 2050”.
ICFG International Prizes – Paper Prize and Exchange Prize
In 2011, no ICFG Prizes were awarded. Prof. Tekkaya announced the call for candidates for both prizes of the ICFG, the ICFG International Paper Prize 2012 and the ICFG International Exchange Prize 2012 for the beginning of February 2012. He asked the delegates to encourage young potential participants for application.
Next Plenary Meeting
The coming Plenary Meeting 2012 will be held in Nagoya, Japan and will take place from September 09th to 12th. The meeting will be organized by the ICFG member Prof. Ishikawa from Nagoya University in Japan. The preliminary program was presented by Prof. Ishikawa. More detailed information will be published on the ICFG website in due time.