45th Plenary Meeting in Nagoya, Japan
September 09-12, 2012
The 45th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) was held from September 09 to 12, 2012 in Nagoya (Japan), hosted by Prof. Ishikawa from Nagoya University. The Plenary Meeting was attended by 93 participants from 15 countries. 42 attendees were from academia and 51 were from industry. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Matthias Hänsel (TK Presta, Liechtenstein), the chairman of the ICFG.
The ICFG delegates welcomed Dr. Shinichiro Fujikawa (Japan), Philipp Grupp (Germany), Prof. Kunio Hayakawa (Japan) and Kasi Nath (USA) as new corresponding members as well as Michael Dahme (Germany) and Prof. Sachihiro Isogawa (Japan) as new full members. Additionally Michael Wohlmuth (Germany) from Simufact engineering was welcomed as new company member. The membership status of Dr. D. Bardou (France) was changed to emeritus. The membership of Dr. Andrzej Plewinski was quitted. The ICFG now consists of 95 personal members from 26 countries over the whole world. Within the Advisory Board of the ICFG, Prof. Isogawa and Prof. Liewald succeeded Prof. Ishikawa and Prof. Groche as new members of the Advisory Board.
Subgroup activities and publications
In the morning a joined session of the subgroups was held for introducing the activities of ICFG and of subgroups. In addition new guests had the opportunity to introduce themselves. After the joined session the attendees were split up into the three currently active subgroups, the topic team ‘Lubrication’ and a discussion forum with the title ‘ICFG 2020’. In the session of the subgroup ‘Process simulation’ the contents of future documents and upcoming activities were discussed. In the subgroup ‘Tool Life & Tool Quality’ valuable presentations were held and future subgroup topics were discussed. The third subgroup ‘ICFG 2050’ focused together with the Young Wild Formers on future structure and communication of ICFG. The topic team ‘Lubrication’ discussed the outcome of the questionnaire distributed before the Plenary Meeting and agreed to sum up the results of the questionnaire and of discussions in an international paper. In the discussion forum ‘ICFG 2020’ future topics were announced. The potential and priority of prospective topics were discussed. The results of each session were presented in a joined session. After the subgroup meetings, Prof. Ishikawa invited the delegates to Koyo-en Beer Garden.
ICFG International Prizes – Paper Prize and Exchange Prize
In 2012, no ICFG Prizes were awarded. Dr. Hänsel announced the call for candidates for both prizes of the ICFG, the ICFG International Paper Prize 2013 and the ICFG International Exchange Prize 2013 for the beginning of February 2013. He asked the delegates to encourage young potential participants for application.
Next Plenary Meeting
The coming Plenary Meeting 2013 will be held in Paris, France and will take place from September 15th to 18th. The meeting will be organized by the ICFG member Prof. Dubar from University of Valenciennes in France. The preliminary program was presented by Prof. Dubar.
Pictures of the Plenary Meeting 2012 are provided here.